Individualised support

The Carrefour d’Action Interculturelle (CAI) offers flexible, community-based intervention to immigrants regardless of status. This support can take various forms and respond to many needs: support in the search for material goods, referrals to community resources, psychosocial support, support in regularizing status, etc.

This type of outreach corresponds to the core values of our organisation. We prioritise the person in the integration process, as well as their autonomy in the new environment. As needs can differ as much as individuals do, the support process is adapted and personalised to the reality of each person.

"The types of support I received were material and food [...] But I refuse to tell myself that the CAI only provided material or financial support. The CAI has already showed me that I have arrived in a country where there are people who care about the well-being of the individual.”

(fictional name)
Accompagnement individualisé